Monday, August 29, 2011

My 2011-2012 School Social Work Office

This is my 3rd year as a school social worker for USD 259. I loove my job and the kids that I meet. They are like a second extended family!!! If only I can impact their lives as much as they impact mine, I will have done my job :-)

So, my space...I lead group 3-4 times a day so I have to make my space warm, cozy and fun because afterall the reality is that kids tend to not get overly excited when they are coming to group counseling "class". I goal is to change that mindset quickly after the kids arrive and as new ones trickle in throughout the year. My room screams bright, cheerful and fun (to me at least) and I am very blessed to have a fabulous boss (principal) who lets me haul in furniture, paint walls and constantly rearrange and tweak.


Creative/Work Space

Okay, so they are not actual balls but I made them by cutting up a pool noodle which is much cheaper

My desk, much cleaner than normal :-)

Oodles and caboodles of worksheets, lessons and resources

I made these crate seats but copied the idea from a blog...check it out here:

Games, homemade sand tray, bubbles, games and umm lets see...more games