About Me

I'm a working mom of two kids, and I love my job and being a Mom except of course on the days I don't! I want to keep "Sara" in my list of "things I that I am" so I don't lose myself in the new things I have become. I wear many hats and most of them tend to not make me look that great, at least not all of the time. My kids make life worth living. I never knew the true meaning of "love" until I became a mother. My friends and family play the role of try-to-keep-Sara-from-going-insane. They are best at telling me I'm pretty when my hair is dirty and I'm not wearing make-up, making me laugh when I'm fuming mad and grounding me into the reality that I am blessed and have an amazing life. 

I am far from perfect, at best and worst...I'm average. Sometimes I'm awesome, sometimes I'm not. Most of the time I'm right in the middle and I'm learning to be okay with that.